Well the rain stopped, and opened up to sunny, hot days. This is great because I thought I would never get to go outside and get stuff done. (Although I was out in the pouring rain a couple of days)
Lots has happened since my last post. Tons of new plant acquisitions that have far exceeded anything I could have hoped for.
But let's start with the fence, I do believe that is where we left off.
First I used my sweeeet sixth grade math skillz to find the circumference (perimeter according to Nancy) of the rectangle. You know the drill, add all the sides up. Since my garden is 38' X 13' (That would be 38 + 38 + 13+ 13 = 102 for all you non-smart people) I decided I would need a little over 100'of fencing.. Perfect! I found some old fencing around here i could use for my second door, picked up a 100' X 4' roll for cheap and a bunch of metal fence posts, but something was missing... I needed real posts...
We're going for the backwoods special, cheap, quick & effective.
(I am a Bartholomew, it's in our family's nature)

Hmmmm this tree looks big enough! I was ready to go.
It was recomeneded to me that I bury it a foot beneath the ground to deter any small, ground & plant loving creatures. Sounds tedious and gruelling... But I loves me a challenge so let the trench and post hole digging begin!