The Low Down!

Well, since you clicked to find out about me and what exactly it is that I do, I will tell you!

I am a Graphic Designer by trade, and am currently assistant to the marketing director for Sunny Border Nurseries Inc. In past years I have attempted to grow edible gardens, and have come up short time and time again. However, this is the first growing season that I work with the most fascinating and brilliant horticulturalists I have ever met (pretty much the only horticulturalists, but fascinating and brilliant nonetheless!)

Anyway, I have been sent on a sort of "knowledge-quest" by one Cheryl Bennerup to plan and execute a successful garden while I document all the steps and progress that i make over this summer. I say, bring it on!

This blog is going to track my progress from planning stages to collecting actual tangible food items. I will also be posting photos regularly so be on the look out!